Saturday 16 July 2011

Final Reflection

Coming to the end of the Web 2.0 course, I have realised it is just the beginning for me.  I have enjoyed the introduction to my online community and will strive to consolidate my skills to assist our students -  I know this will come about with the support of our dedicated and talented teaching staff at HCCY.

I am a member of the Learning Support Team - not a teacher.  I have spent many more hours with this course and learnt so much.  Many thanks to our Principal, Dr Peter Webster, who encourages us to seek and use technology to engage and challenge our students.
The idea of learning:
  • Anything
  • Anywhere
  • Anytime
is exciting - the idea of classrooms without boundaries could be well supported in the learning support area, particularly for our students who have disabilities.   Being able to create an environment to allow a student to become engaged and challenged is rewarding for both teacher and student.

I managed to comment on Rob's Final Reflection (

I have really enjoyed the modules on GoogleReader, YouTube, Flickr and Delicious.  Second Life and the virtual classroom is futuristic and exciting. I feel more upskilled about being able to assist in the classroom.  Bloom's Taxonomy is well supported by the iLe@rn model and Web 2.0 Tools opens so many possibilites of presentations to all learners.

Being responsible for your own learning - the 'i' has taken on a whole new meaning for me.  I now realise more about what is possible.

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